Please note, if you are looking for the automatic recurring subscription please use one of these two buttons:
Gold Subscription
Subscribing to the 2024-25 season could not be easier. We understand times are tight. Which is why we are introducing a two tier subscription system.
If you can afford to pay what the Gooner Fanzine should actually cost for a season, which is £45, then we have set up a Gooner Gold Subscription in which you’ll get all six print issues of course, but also free access to our digital edition and your name in print in our forthcoming ‘Hall of Fame’ in every issue next season.
However, if you can’t stretch to £45, or you simply feel that £30 (eight pence a day) is what you would like to continue to pay, then we have our Gooner Standard Subscription - with which you’ll receive six issues.
Please note, if you have already rolled over your direct debit (thank you!) but would like to upgrade to our Gooner Gold Subscription then simply pay the £15 (£16 overseas) difference to our PayPal account and we’ll amend your level accordingly.
Recurring subscriptions can be made by clicking on one of the two options above, depending on whether or not you have a PayPal account, and your subscription will roll-over every season. It costs £49 for addresses outside the UK or £65 for the Gold Subscription option.
Not only does this mean you don’t have to go through the renewal process every year, it should mean – if enough commit this way – that The Gooner can continue for many seasons without the annual concern over whether or not enough subscriptions can be raised.
Please consider signing up for this – it takes the same amount of time as doing a simple one-year subscription and means you will never have to do it again.
The payment would be deducted annually from your PayPal account or debit or credit card as long as The Gooner continues – helping to ensure the long-term survival of the fanzine.
It’s important to note that should you ever wish to stop supporting The Gooner then you have the freedom to cancel at any time and no further payments will be taken from you. So although this is a commitment from you, you are not tied in to anything except a one year subscription for the 2024-25 season.
The overseas subscription price is less than what you would pay for a lower tier ticket to watch Arsenal play, for example, West Ham, or an evening at the pub with a few mates.
However, if you do only wish to pay for next season without using the direct debit option, then the four methods are below…
OPTION 1 – You can pay right here by clicking on the 'Add to Basket' button at the bottom of this page and completing the purchase process with a credit card.
OPTION 2 - By post – Send a cheque for £49 or £65 for a 2024/25 season Non-UK subscription made payable to ‘The Gooner’ to this address –
Gooner Fanzine, 2nd Floor, 99 Bancroft, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 1NQ
OPTION 3 - Via online bank transfer, making a payment of £49 or £65 to –
Account name: The Gooner
Sort Code: 20-76-90
Acc. No: 03004112
Use the reference 2025 followed by your surname (e.g. 2025Smith). Very important – please follow up the payment with an email to stating your name and address, and the reference that you used for payment (e.g. 2025Smith). Otherwise, we will not be able to match the payment to you.
OPTION 4 - You can also simply make a direct PayPal payment to the email address for £49 or £65. If doing this, please make your payment a ‘friends and family’ / personal payment – this helps keep our costs down. It will help us if you include your postal address in the message with the payment. If you have the time to confirm you have paid this way with an email to, even better, although we will see the payment on the PayPal account. We also have a direct link – - NB, please select 'send' and not 'request' on this link, and ensure your payment is made in £GBP from the drop down list of currencies once you are logged in.
VERY IMPORTANT – If we fail to achieve our goal of 1000 subscribers, your payment will be refunded in full by the end of July 2024. Cheques sent for subscriptions will not be cashed until after we have reached our target of 1,000 subscribers to save banking fees. If we are not to continue, they will be destroyed. So there is no financial risk in making payment at this stage.